

A one-time contribution, or a monthly commitment, will help:

  • sustain the efforts that began in 1980.
  • preserve the progress already made.
  • guarantee the DABG's existence and expansion in the years to come.
  • support our mission: enriching lives through nature by providing education, enjoyment, and inspiration.

Thank you for considering a gift to the DABG. The DABG is a 501(c)3 corporation. All donations are tax-deductible.


Please have

someone contact me.

Use this form to request a call or meeting with our organization about a legacy donation. THANK YOU!

Interested in funding something specific that we need? [Please view our Wish List.]

Our Dubuque Arboretum is a fine asset to our community and is deserving of first-rate support. We are all better people with good aesthetics exposure which nice gardens provide. And we benefit a lot from 'learning to do it ourselves.' Our arboretum does an outstanding job for us on both counts."

JOHN BUTLER, Chairperson

It all began with

a thoughtful, generous donation:

In 1975, "Mac" Marshall (1894-1977) donated 51 acres of land to the City of Dubuque.

I thought it was about time someone did something for the ol’ town. So many take so much from Dubuque, but leave so little behind.”




We are so very thankful to the DRA for partially funding ($25,000) our grant, "Inclusive Pathways: Enhancing Accessibility, Diversity, and Engagement."

Components of that grant include:

  • A 6-Seater Electric Tour Cart. This important funding will allow the DABG to provide our first electric tour cart, an essential addition due to increased demand for tours of our grounds in recent years.
  • A Marketing Plan. Funding will also be used to develop a marketing plan, with updated branding.

We're extremely grateful to the DRA for their support!

ITC | a Fortis Company

Transitioning Fields to Mowing to Monarchs Prairie Plantings. THANK YOU to ITC for helping us fund this vital project in our Master Plan.


THANK YOU, Roeder Implement! When the transmission in our backhoe went bad, Roeder Implement stepped in and very generously fixed it for us free of charge.


Community Day: Building Our Communities Through Giving!

THANK YOU to Spahn & Rose for their 2023 Charitable Foundation donation to help fund our general operations.

McDonough Foundation

THANK YOU to the McDonough Foundation for its donation to help fund our playground seating. So important to families and children as we work to enrich lives through nature ... providing education, enjoyment, and inspiration.

Stuff etc. / Dubuque

Thank you for this $400 donation to the DABG as your Charity of the Month.

SAM's CLUB / Dubuque

Thank you for this $500 grant toward our future Grounds Tour Signage and Guided Map.