Wedding + Event Favors and Add-ons

Wedding Arbors / Arches

  • Triangle Arbor
  • Triangle Arbor (close-up)
Triangle Arbor
Triangle Arbor (close-up)
  • Square Arbor
  • Square Arbor (close-up)
Square Arbor
Square Arbor (close-up)

Dimensions: 8 feet high x 6 feet wide.

Additional Wedding Chairs

Please order in even number increments and confirm two(2) weeks in advance of your wedding date.

Extra Wedding Chairs Rental

ticket details

additional information

your information



Extra Chairs $2/per chair

$2 per ticket

Tickets warning icon

We don't have that many tickets left. Please select Infinity or less.

Contact Information



Would you like to make a separate donation?

Donations are a great way to support the organization.

Donation Interval

Enter Donation Amount


Extra Chairs $2/per chair

$2 ($0 tax-deductible) per ticket


Additional Donation



Koi Fish Food (May-Oct)

Feed the Koi

If your wedding or event date is set during any of these months, this can be a fun favor for your guests!

The 411: Koi are cold-water fish but they can thrive in water temperatures between 59-77 degrees. What this means is that the fish can typically be fed during the May-Oct timeframe (temperature permitting).

The timing of your order:

Please give DABG volunteers at least 2 weeks to package your order. Upon completion, you'll be notified to pick up the items.


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